Archive for May, 2010

Pizza Triumph

This week I had a plan.  Pizzas.  Fancy pizzas.  I made a DELICIOUS slow-fermenting whole-wheat pizza dough based on a Peter Reinhart recipe from “American Pie.”  Hey, look, an endorsement opportunity.  If you like breads or pizza or baking in general – go out to your library or bookstore or do some good internet sleuthing and get some Peter Reinhart materials.  You may recall that I made some delicious breads a while back from one of his books…. Every single bread and or pizza recipe I have tried of his has turned out fantastic.  You just really need to read his stuff before you ever make bread or pizza again.  These dough rounds were easily the most beautiful dough I’ve ever made.  Just perfectly supple and soft, but not sticky at all.  And they tasted awesome.

Okay Okay, enough with the gushing.  I made two types of pizzas: Continue reading ‘Pizza Triumph’

My Very First Roses

This weekend my rose bush bloomed!  I planted it last year, and only got a few tiny little blossoms before the end of the summer.  But the bush did take to its new home, and on Sunday morning, I clipped my first rose!  Most of my gardening is focused on vegetables and fruits, but I do also enjoy flowers which add beauty and fragrance and attract bees and butterflies and hummingbirds and all kinds of lovely pollinators.  I’ve been warned that Roses can be difficult, but so far I’m not believing the hype!  On Sunday afternoon, I clipped a few more blooms and had a beautiful, fragrant bouquet – what a delightful way to start the week.

I thought they were so beautiful I couldn’t choose just one photograph, so here are some more:

Onion Tarts, Part Deux

Its vidalia onion time!  Vidalias are a supersweet variety of onion that originally was developed in Texas, but is now grown in Georgia.  Keep reading about Vidalias and how to make them into nice onion tarts…